Centro Competencia published in its newsletter this article authored by our partner James E Ritch, analyzing recent constitutional reforms in Mexico that redefine the State's role in strategic sectors and their impact on economic competition.

Our expert examines the amendments to Articles 25, 27, and 28 of the Constitution, which strengthen public enterprises over private entities in key areas such as the electricity system, lithium, and state-run internet services. He also reflects on the implications of these reforms within the current legal framework, as well as the potential impact of future secondary laws and additional reforms that could affect agencies like the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFCE).

“In summary, the reform contemplates several aspects that will affect, for example, the way in which public companies of the State act in the national electricity market and their relationship with private companies, which will have an impact on competition and free competition.”

We invite you to read the full article to learn more about this topic (only available in Spanish). 

In case you have any questions, please contact our Competition and Antitrust experts (see details below).